Friday, December 26, 2008

Surprise!!! Surprise!!!

Let me Tell Ya! Christmas Eve was not the day I had planned. 6 girls in my very just cleaned the day before house. I was stressed! But kids are my life! So bring it on right! Fortunately, all the kids were happy and the weather was great for out door play. I seriously don't think they came in but for a couple of hours to watch a movie. So what is the point of this blog? My husband and I changed up the family tradition and instead of going to Granny's house for dinner we hopped in the car to go to Church for an old fashioned Christmas Eve Service. Everyone is in the car...ofcourse I am the last one in because of lights needing turned off and the house needing to be locked up. I get to the car and go to sit down and what is in my seat? My gift from my beloved Man that started me on this photography journey....A new lense!!!!! YAY!!! So these are some of the things we saw on the way to church and what our little girls got to experience. By the way...going camping again in a few days. You can still reach me on my cell to schedule appointments. Thank you everyone for blessing my family this year and helping me have the most awesome job on the face of the earth. Can't wait 'til next year. Keep your light shining. Love,Michele

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree.Oh Christmas Tree.

Merry Cristmas! and Happy New Year!

This truely is the most wonderful time of year for me and my family. We not only celebrate with our friends and family but we try to reflect on the fact that it is our Risen Savior's birthday. Unfortunately, my Nativity seen is not in the best shape since Rachel decided to break all the peices to it last Christmas. We do have a new tree in our house this year with some really cute handmade ornaments from Mom. This year has been quite special for me. All the girls helped decorate it. Most trees have been decorated with out the help of my children, but I thought I would turnover a new leaf and chill out...let the tree look it's best with the kids decorating it. I have to say it turned out beautiful. My husbands says it is a tree on Jennie Craig (lol)but it fits quite nicely in my family room. Well I hope you enjoy some of my little ornaments. God bless you on Christmas and your New Year to follow. Michele

Monday, December 15, 2008

Little Critters

OK. So I got some new actions. Yah!! Let me tell you. I love them. "Totally Rad Actions" are they not totally rad!!. Look at my little friend, Abby's puppy. She is adorable. Her name is Cinderella or Cindy for short. Of course, Abby named her after her favorite princess.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Trials and Tribulations

What trials and tribs? Three boys, three totally different personalities and three boys that were not feeling very well. They really were wanting to just play and have a great time on their lake front property. Wouldn't we all like to bottle some of that energy or capture it somehow?HUM! What a beautiful family to work with, I can't wait 'til we do this again! I am so happy to give you a great family portrait.