Princess for a day!All the girls got the spa treatment, hair, nails, glitter and makeup then dressed in their favorite princess costume and had a turn for some awesome glam shots. There will be more of the other little girls later to see, but for Now I wanted Emily to have all the attention since it was her big day.
Emily was truly the bell of the party ,3 dress changes, cupcakes with more sprinkles and a royal princess court to make sure everything went as planned. Isn't she just adorable.
So glad to be a part of her day!Love, Mrs. Davenport
Ok so these are some of her coutry girl poses, now for some pool sides. We lucked out and found these towels and hung them all around I think the picture is so cute!
All smiles! This family is so fun and full of energy. One of the many shoots I did on Easter weekend, my favorite weekend! My brother and I use to celebrate our birthdays together on Easter, things were done a little differently this year not sure why, but still lots of fun!
You'll see that these boys keep us running which leads to a great and not your normal photo shoot, which is exactly what I aime for, being a little different than the average photo. This is my number one place to shoot, I am afraid they might start charging me rent. It is the closest thing around that has such awesome architecture, and being that I use to be a property appraiser and have been raised by parents that love architecture and always appreciated the art in it, I am drawn to this place! Thank you to whomever designed and built it. you have made my life more full with it!
Little Girls! Aren't they just soooo cute! These were my first little clients for the Easter Weekend Bunny Marathon!Unfortunately 2 year olds can sometimes be terrified of fuzzy moving creatures so big sis did not get a picture with the bunny. After a little tears, a blow pop and lots of love from Mommy she was ready to play and have a great photo session. Keri, you are going to loooove these. It was great having you stop by yesterday.
Look at those eyes! Senior's are so much fun! Oh to be a senior again!Your webgallery is up and ready for every one to view. i hope you enjoy! I always like meeting new people and this cute chick was referred to me by a great gal that allowed me to teach her son last year. He is adorable and has the biggist bluest eyes! I absolutely ador him. Thanks Jaime for business, your awesome!
Also, still a couple slots for bunny pics, Good Friday and Saturday April, 2nd and 3rd. Would love for everyone to enjoy this awesome day!