Well today was one of those days that I did nothing but spend time with my work....oh and only one child in the house. What a wonderful break for me...usually having several children at a time around and under foot. I was able to revamp the website a little, adding a family page and a wedding page. Very simple right now, I have pictures in another computer that need to be gotten out and posted aswell. My teen page will be next and my wee ones last. I am excited to post new pictures. Loving the picture world as I do, it is always nice to see new faces on my website, it just affirms that I am doing what I love the most and one of them is meeting new people, making relationships that last and seeing familys grow and change.
As I said before, I am mentoring my oldest and this picture of me is one she shot. I edited. We were having so much fun together...I am overjoyed to know that we are becoming a working team along with my Mom. She was the coordinator for the big church wedding that is on the wedding gallery.
I hope you all enjoy these new galleries that Michele Lynn has to share.