Well, I had an awesome time taking these pictures of my sweet and dear friends. I have taken their wedding pictures, bridal portraits, engagement and now their pregnancy pictures and can't wait until I photograph Baby Asher! I know he will be so sweet and cute!
So, while at her baby shower, the lady that was hosting it had some really good pictures of her family and the photographer had a bible verse written on some of the pictures...something that I have thought about and something I would love to do. So I went out today, and looked at a lot of art that had inspiring verses that help us remember our Faith as Christians. So who says that the number 13 is bad?Hum? I Cor. 13:13 is the most popular thing going. Kirklands even has plaques and art with this verse on it. I've seen it in Khols, Penneys and even more stores. Silver bracelets and more just shouting to everyone! This is what it says...Faith, Hope and Love...but the greatest of these is Love. I Cor. 13 explains what love is exactly, I hope the above pictures portay just that.
I love you guys! You are so precious and special to me. Baby Asher is going to have a very love filled life.
Love, Michele
1 comment:
Thank you Michele for all you've done for us. We are so grateful for these wonderful pictures.
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