These were taken for Sariah's 3 year portrait session and fortunately she is a really good 3 year old. She is a little one that was in my class last year at the preschool I was working at that would not get her picture taken with the photographer they hired...Maybe they should reconsider who their using...just a thought! No, really the lady is very nice and is awesome with doing assembly line photography, unfortunately, some kids are not into that. I tried a couple times to take Sariah to get her picture and she would cling to me and shake and cry, so Mom called me...knowing that Sariah would do great! Well, she did...look at how happy she is! I love being able to work with the "impossible".
Sariah and Isaiah have never had a problem connecting with me, and that's my goal, too not just photograph, but connect with my clients. It makes a more personal and fun experience. We end up having a time of catching up, they ask about my kids and I get to know how their families are doing too.
Your gallery is up! Hope you laugh like I did!
Love,Miss Michele
Lovely kid's pictures and awesome photography.
Beautiful, we love them!!
OK so i babysat these two this week and found out the grandmother is friends with my parents, when I abruptly left the preshool the one thing i knew is that God is my provider and he definitely always shows me proof that he is there for me. So funny that just by "chance" this family and I connected so well. I just love these kiddos.Love, Michele
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